Thank you for compiling and publishing all this evidence!

It will be useful in the trials of all those who created the virus or mandated the dangerous and worse-than-ineffective injections.

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Unfortunately, you can’t reason with about 45% of the population in my surrounding area. Most have already received their next dose of “protection” in August-September. No amount of evidence, scientific research or numerous interviews with doctors can convince that portion of population. And I am no longer trying… Several have been diagnosed with new cancers or returning of previous cancers in remission. A few didn’t make it. One was very shocking even to me: went from hospitalization with infection to recommended imaging for cancerous growth, diagnosed with metastatic cancer, placed on hospice and died - all in less than two months period…

Thank you for your effort in putting all this research material together. Great article!

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Pick a number.

And the TGA, looking after the safety of all Australians has decided to

1. do nothing

2. withdraw approval for the mRNA vaccines

3. reassert the safety of the vaccines on no evidence

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Interesting so many 33’s. I wonder why?

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